Selasa, 27 November 2012

Eiffel Tower another side
In 1909, the Eiffel Tower almost was dismantled and sold for scrap metal. But because a telecommunications company wanted to use the tower to broadcast signals, the Eiffel Tower was saved.
Below the first platform you can see names of French scientists and famous people engraved on the sides. Once you get to the top, you may be able to see about 40 miles out, if it’s a clear day.
A restaurant on the first platform is named because of its sea level measurement: it is called Altitude 95.

3 komentar:

  1. wah eiffelnya bagus sekali

  2. i never know this before i read it in your blog! nice post

  3. ainilnisa: iya, sesuatu banget deh
    baby fortuna: terharu aku :'(
